IMAGINATIONImagination : The Driving Force behind all Human Experience A pondering on our Imagination: profound force that shapes our perceptions, drives our actions, and kindles the fire of our aspirations
IMMUNITYSound Meditation & its Effects on ImmunityWith the advancement of modern science and technology, we are now able to better understand how sound affects the body and the mind
ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESS Altered States of ConsciousnessA short blog on reaching Altered States of consciousness
THERAPEUTIC SOUND Experiencing Silence through SoundIs sound meditation the ancient answer to a present riddle? by Emma Winter, written late 2020
ALTERED STATES OF CONSCIOUSNESSThe Science Behind Flow StatesUnderstanding the Neuroscience of Optimal Performance. While the experience of a flow state is often described in subjective terms, there